Music is more sensitive and precise in responding to the challenges of reality than many other art forms, helping us experience and comprehend them. The Voices musical program brings together composers and musicians from the post-Soviet space, whose reactions to current-day crises seem to us to be extremely profound, interesting, and worthy of support. When we use the term "post-Soviet space," we in no way attempt to unify individual voices within some illusory discourse of the past. On the contrary, for us the individuality of positions and their independence is crucial. However, simultaneously, we aim to create a platform where composers, still not sufficiently represented in the European context, can resonate in performances by some of the finest European musicians, within a single program, and engage in respectful, and attentive dialogue with one another. The perspective of individuals who live and work in unfamiliar, foreign environments is particularly valuable to us. This is because the complexity of today's world is better understood by artists who venture beyond their familiar, initial context, enriching their view of art with new perspectives. We are the sum of the cultural influences we have experienced, and our identity is the sum of reactions to personal and collective challenges, unique aspects of each of our biographies. Such a fluid, changing identity composed of numerous perspectives might be the perfect metaphor for the contemporary artist's view of the world. Hence, while examining musical phenomena emerging from the space once labeled as post-Soviet, we focus not on the mass, but on the individual; not on the archetypal, but on the unique.