Theater of Imagination
picture: Ten' Theater
Ten' Theater
Language: Russian / English
Duration: 45 min
02 Oct, 18:00 / 03 Oct, 18:00
Das Theater of Imagination verlegt die Aufführung in die Köpfe der Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer: Die Beschreibung der Geschehnisse wird auf eine Leinwand projiziert. Das imaginierte Bühnengeschehen – berühmte, reale Inszenierungen – ist so spannend oder langweilig wie unsere Fantasie.

Achtung! Die Leitung des Theaters der Phantasie übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die imaginären Obszönitäten, Gewaltszenen und andere ungesetzliche Dinge (in unserer Fantasie gibt es nichts dergleichen), einschließlich der völligen Unfähigkeit, sich etwas auf der Bühne vorzustellen.
Actress, producer: Polina Mikhailova
Director: Arseniy Epelbaum
Theater founder, director, actress:
Maya Krasnopolskaya
The Ten' Theater is a striking example of theater with a recognizable style. It was founded in 1987 in Moscow by the husband-and-wife team of puppet theater actress Maya Krasnopolskaya, and artist Ilya Epelbaum. Ten' Theater mounted its debut performance, "The Magic Flute," in the genre of shadow theater, thus inspiring its name (“Ten'” in Russian means “shadow”). Over the years, Ten' Theater has actively participated in more than 90 Russian and international theater festivals, employing a wide range of techniques and genres, including shadow, opera, ballet, and even mysteries, as well as incorporating other forms of art such as visual and cinematic elements. Ten' Theater has garnered numerous awards, including ten prestigious Russian Golden Mask awards: Best Performance in Puppet Theater in 2015, 2010, 2001, and 1999; Best Directorial Work in Puppet Theater in 2013, 1999, and 1997; and the Innovation award in 2005 and 2002. Additionally, the theater received the Special Jury Prize for Dramatic and Puppet Theater for the production of "P.I. Tchaikovsky. Swan Lake. The Opera" (1999). It has performed with great success at numerous festivals in Germany and Bulgaria. The core of the theater’s current repertoire is the “La Tournée du Grand Théâtre Royal de Lilikans” project.