play reading
Language: German with Russian subtitles
Duration: 45 min
24 Oct, 18:00
Die Handlung des Stücks dreht sich um den Tod des russischen Soldaten Wanja, des Sohnes der Protagonistin Alya. Allerdings können wir über dieses Ereignis nur Vermutungen anstellen. Während des gesamten Stücks leugnet die Heldin den Tod ihres Sohnes — dies ist das Thema ihrer Dialoge mit anderen realen oder imaginären Figuren. Die eigentliche Handlung des Stücks ist die Verleugnung und das Verschweigen. Worte drücken ihr Gegenteil aus. Und sie wieder an ihren Platz zu stellen, sie nach ihrer direkten Bedeutung zu ordnen, erweist sich als eine unlösbare Aufgabe.

All dies spiegelt ziemlich genau die künstlerische Verwirrung wider, in der sich alle Künstler: innen aus Russland — und nicht nur sie — gegenwärtig befinden. Wie kann man in einer Welt leben, in der man sich nicht mehr auf die Sprache, auf das gesprochene Wort verlassen kann? Welche Art von Botschaft ist überhaupt noch glaubwürdig? Welche Art von Beschreibung beschreibt tatsächlich etwas?
Author: Natalia Lizorkina
Director: Philipp Grigoryan
Cast: Marina Weis, Maria Zharkova
Philipp Grigoryan is a director, set designer, and drama teacher. He graduated from the Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute and completed his postgraduate studies. In his theatrical projects, he often acts as both a director and an artist, which significantly shapes the style of his productions: a balance between drama and visual art, performance, and installation. He has participated in the Diaghilev International Festival, the International Festival and School of Contemporary Performing Arts TERRITORIЯ, the National Theatre Award "Golden Mask" showcase, and other festivals. He is a laureate of the National Theatre Award "Golden Mask" (in the category of "Experiment") and collaborates with the Wuppertal Opera, the Bolshoi Theatre, Gogol Center, Theatre of Nations, Stanislavsky Electrotheatre, Practice Theatre, Vene Teater, among others.
Born in Moscow, Natalia works in theater and cinema as a playwright, screenwriter, and creative producer. She completed the playwriting courses at GOGOL SCHOOL and also took Sasha Denisova's course at CWS. Additionally, she completed showrunner courses at the Moscow Film School. Her plays have been nominated three times and made it to the shortlist at the "Lyubimovka" and "Echo Lyubimovki" festivals.
Weis was born into an ethnic German minority in the Soviet Union. In 1991, she graduated from the Moscow Art Theatre School. After completing her studies, she performed at the Stanislavsky Drama Theater. In 1993, she moved to Germany, where she has lived and worked ever since. She has acted at the Badisches Staatstheater, at the State Theater in Karlsruhe, at the Berlin Volksbühne and the Maxim Gorky Theater, as well as at the Hamburg Kammerspiele. She has also appeared in films and television series. Marina was starring in the premiere performance of the Museum of Uncounted Voices.
Maria graduated from the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts (GITIS). Since 2008, she has been living in Berlin, working on independent projects in theater and cinema, as well as civil society initiatives. Maria dedicates her projects to developing new pedagogical methods and dramaturgical research on political and historical themes, particularly focusing on the culture of memory. Recently, Maria made her debut as a translator, translating a play from Russian to German for the independent anti-war festival "Echo of Lyubimovka Berlin." Masha also works in a human rights organization and actively supports political emigrants and people in exile. Currently, she is working as an emerging producer and co-screenwriter on a documentary film project about the resistance of artists in Russia