fractional step | photo: Rita Denisova
Yulia Arsen /
Tatiana Chizhikova
& Roman Malyavkin
Language: Nonverbal
Duration: 60 min
Radialsystem | Saal
Fri 13, 20:30 / Sat 14 , 17:00
Ein zweiteiliges Projekt, das künstlerische Arbeiten vereint, die eines gemeinsam haben: einen ‚Twist‘ oder Wendepunkt, wonach — genau wie im wirklichen Leben — nichts mehr ist, wie es einmal war. Um eine Peitsche und all ihre symbolischen Bedeutungen dreht sich die Arbeit „THE WHIP“ von Yulia Arsen. Um die Dekonstruktion von Volkstanz in all seiner Ambivalenz zwischen Virtuosität, Bravour und Verzweiflung geht es bei „FRACTIONAL STEP“ von Tatiana Chizhikova und Roman Malyavkin. Getanzter Widerstand gegen Scham und Wut sowie Überlebenshandlungen in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Die Choreografinnen Yulia Arsen und Tatiana Chizhikova gehören einer Generation junger Künstler*innen aus Russland an, die sich im Wandel befindet. In ihren Werken widmen sie sich beunruhigend dominanten Erzählungen von Traditionen und nationalen Identitäten und hinterfragen und unterwandern diese durch ihre verkörperte Praxis. Beide Projekte hatten ihre Europapremiere im August 2023 beim ImPulsTanz — Vienna International Dance Festival auf Initiative des unabhängigen Projekts Institute of Theatre.
Choreography und Performance:
Yulia Arsen
Music: Till Mertens
Outside Eye: Nicole Seiler
Supported by: La Briqueterie – CDCN du Val-de-Marne, Station Service for Contemporary Dance and CC Magacin (Belgrad), Percolate and Dance Limerick, Dance Identity (Burgenland), MMOMA (Moscow), Seanse art center (Volda), ON/OFF Online Residency

Choreography and Performance:
Tatiana Chizhikova
Music: Roman Malyavkin
Dance dramaturgy: Tatiana Chizhikova, Anna Semenova-Ganz

Program curator:
Anastasia Proshutinskaya
Production: Site Art Projects
Supported by: AFF Projects
Yulia is an interdisciplinary artist who works at the intersection of dance, theater, and contemporary art. She studied dance in Munich (Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance) and in Kassel (SOZO Visions in Motion), performing her own works at festivals in Berlin, Freiburg, Kassel, Moscow, Tallinn, Limerick and Bucharest. Over the last few years, she has created pieces for museums (“Know-how,” “7 cringe songs,” and “Recursion”), a theater piece (“Oxytocin”), and many solo and group dance pieces. In 2022, her solo “Plastic Bag” was chosen for AEROWAVES Twenty22.
dancer, choreographer
Tatiana graduated from the Moscow Choreographic Lyceum as a ballet dancer, and from the Moscow State Academy of Choreography with a BA in Art of Choreography. Tatiana also graduated from SOTA (School of Theater Arts), an educational program for performance art organized by the Institute of Theatre in Moscow. In 2019, she won the [8:tension] Young Choreographers' Award at ImPulsTanz, the Vienna International Dance Festival, with her performance “Time to Time.
dancer, choreographer
Roman graduated from the Gnesin Academy of Music (Moscow), and has been a guest performer with the Moscow Ensemble of Contemporary Music, and the Studio for New Music. He has participated in performances of famous Russian composers, in cross-genre performances, and at important festivals of music, theater and contemporary art. He has won international competitions in Lithuania and Germany, and at various music competitions in Russia.